Alarm Systems
Installing a home security system can be costly, but not installing one could cost you even more.
The main and most essential reason to invest in a security system is to deter crime in your home. According to the Electronic Security Association's "Home Safety Fast Facts" report, 9 out of 10 burglars said that if they encountered an
alarm or home security system, they would not attack the home. According to the Greenwich Study of Residential Security report, homes without a security system are 2.7 to 3.5 times more likely to be subject to a burglary. Thus, in addition to precautions like window locks and deadbolts on doors, a security system is a prime candidate for your home safety options.
The biggest reason a home owner should consider installing a home security system is that it offers protection to family members from intruders. According to “Securing Home and Business” by Simon Hakim/Erwin Blackstone,'homes without security systems are 2.7 times more likely to be targeted by a burglar.' This indicates that the mere presence of an alarm system is enough in most cases to protect the home and its occupants from break-in. In some cases, burglars may still target a home either knowingly or unknowingly when members of the family are inside. For the burglar who enters the home expecting it to be empty, finding members of the family inside can cause enough shock and panic to facilitate aggressive behavior. Having a security system in place often provides family members with enough warning to get to a safe location in our outside the home while the alarm system dispatches local authorities. For burglars that enter a home knowing that family members are inside, their intentions are often much more malicious and the home alarm system again serves as an early warning system and calls the authorities.
Homeowners insurance is a mandatory part of becoming a homeowner in most circumstances. The cost of this type of insurance coverage varies on location, coverage, payment plans, insurance company, type of house and a few other factors. Some people see homeowners insurance as a waste of money, those who have ever had to use it (or wish that had had it to use) will disagree.
Homeowner’s insurance is designed to cover private homes and the possessions therein from losses or damage that can occur as the result of a number of devastating events. Homeowner insurance covers most events such as fires, tornadoes and hurricanes. Flood insurance is generally not included and must be purchased separately since floods are a more common occurrence. The cost of homeowners insurance is generally not taken into consideration by first time homeowners when buying their home, but a significant discount is generally given to homeowners with home security systems installed. The total discount given as a result of homes having security systems differs based upon the features of the system (for instance, a system monitored by a central monitoring station should provide a larger discount compared to one that is not monitored) and the amount of coverage purchased initially and the company offering the insurance. In general,homeowners receive a 10-20% discount on their insurance by having a functioning home alarm system installed.